Donjon, Manoir et Jardin de la salle » Single and twin tickets

Donjon, Manoir and Jardin de la Salle one-way ticket

Visit the Donjon, Manoir et Jardin de la Salle site, at your own pace, whenever you like during its opening period (April to the end of the All Saints’ vacation period). This romantic and authentic place invites you to take a peaceful stroll , full of curiosities and unusual objects, in a charming environment. A journey into the past in one of France’s most beautiful villages: Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère.

2-site twin tickets

Visit 2 sites in the Vézère Valley, at preferential rates.

  • Le Donjon, Manoir et Jardin de la Salle + la Roque Saint-Christophe, a troglodytic fortress, an ancient medieval city perched on an airy cliff.

Le Donjon, Manoir et Jardin de la Salle + la Maison Forte de Reignac: the only castle-cliff offering a journey through time from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, an original, unique cliffside site.

3-site twin trio ticket

Visit 3 sites in the region, less than 10 minutes’ drive from each other: Le Donjon, Manoir et Jardin de la Salle + La Roque Saint-Christophe + La Maison Forte de Reignac : the 3 sites are offered together, at preferential rates.

They can be visited on different days and in the order of your choice. These are complementary sites with a strong reputation and appeal to the whole family.